Facebook ads vs google ads

Google AdWords or Facebook Ads, which is better?

Paid digital marketing strategies offer great returns to companies, which makes them increasingly popular and receives permanent investment from many companies. Among the most advantageous options are Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, and many companies question which of these alternatives is the best. Let’s take a look at both options.

What is Google AdWords?

Google AdWords allows the display of ads on Google based on keywords according to the search performed by the user. Through the tool, it is possible to reach an audience more interested in the product or service offered and at a more advanced stage in the sales funnel. In addition to the search network, Google AdWords involves remarketing and the display network for advertising on Google AdSense partner sites.

What are the advantages of Google AdWords?

Google AdWords offers excellent conversion levels due to the user being more interested in making the purchase when searching for the product on Google. This strategy also allows for better tracking of conversion metrics and return on investment, which adopts sponsored links by many companies. Another benefit is that sponsored ads are only charged when clicked, which generates a lower cost for the campaign, which can be budgeted according to the client’s needs. Google AdWords offers features that allow you to optimize the campaign, such as keyword cost, targeting, and negative words, among others.

Among the disadvantages of Google AdWords is that ads have a lower ability to convert customers who are not yet interested in completing the purchase, reducing its benefits when the strategy is lead qualification.

What are Facebook Ads?

In addition to the search engine ad options, the growth of social media has also encouraged the creation of its platforms for ads on these channels, such as Facebook Ads. These ads use text and images and can redirect both to the website and the company’s fan page, according to the advertiser’s objective, being displayed both on the sides of the social network and in the news feed.

What are the advantages of Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads allow for great audience segmentation, filtering data by gender, city, state, age, relationship status, profession, personal interests, etc. Facebook is an excellent channel for customer relationships and loyalty, attracting potential followers through ads, so it is possible to qualify this user to become a customer. The long-term benefits of this alternative are highlighted.

Suppose the company desires to improve the relationship by increasing the number of page likes. In that case, it is also more appropriate for this campaign to be carried out via social media.

Among the disadvantages of Facebook is the low conversion rate, as it will target most potential customers at the top of the funnel.

Which is better: Google AdWords or Facebook Ads?

After better understanding how the two paid ad options are used, the question remains: which is best for the company? The answer will depend on the company’s goals with online operations and, therefore, requires a case-by-case analysis.

Google AdWords: Best for companies that want to increase sales quickly and expect a high return on investment in a shorter time.

Facebook Ads:  aimed at companies that want to build customer relationships and improve their loyalty practices, aiming at another long-term digital strategy.

CEO Role & Personality

Role of CEO in a company risks and successes

It is not uncommon to see the CEO making sales, at an operational level, rather than focusing on more strategic issues for the company. While this is understandable in the early stages of a business, it cannot become a bad habit.

The fundamental role of the CEO

The CEO helps increase sales in many ways – some obvious, some not so much. Keeping the CEO in an operational position can hurt your company due to a lack of strategic vision, increased customer acquisition costs (CAC), and a simple lack of scalability. Want to avoid these problems? Here are some tips on how to avoid common mistakes.

Management: bringing the company’s departments closer together

The CEO concentrates on different responsibilities, which vary according to the company’s stage. But in addition to technical knowledge, this leader has an important political role – uniting professionals around single goals. That’s why it’s important to advocate for integrating people, processes, and technology. The better the relationship between the different sectors flows, the greater the value delivery to internal and external stakeholders.

  • Define and communicate Mission, Vision, and Values;
  • Encourage the construction of SLAs between the areas;
  • Acquire software that monitors the customer from Pre-sales to Customer Success.

But nurturing relationships takes time. And you know who has little time available? The CEO, making sales. The ideal would be to appoint a Business Manager or other type of manager specific to the Sales area.

Visibility: brand strengthening

The company needs to be known for the market to believe in it. The CEO is the prominent brand ambassador, attracting customers, suppliers, and investors. Imagine Apple without Steve Jobs. Or Facebook without Sheryl Sandberg. Rather than having your CEO make sales, consider having him as a front man. Generating charisma and credibility paves the way for Marketing, Pre-sales, and Sales teams to sell more. By decentralizing attraction, prospecting, and traction, you gain scale. And who doesn’t want to expand?

CEO: the new sales coordinator?

 This position was even discussed ten years ago. But this diversion of focus proved harmful to companies. The CEO is a strategist, above all. But when it comes to selling, you may want a specialized manager (VP, Director, or Manager) with a tactical focus. This manager is responsible for planning the operationalization of the business process and will only bring the CEO to the table when – and if – he is indispensable.

Strategic negotiations

You see, it is important to have a sales machine CEO. He needs to know how to assemble and present a convincing pitch. After all, he is the company’s main spokesperson, often responsible for attracting investors. But this professional is too valuable to spend his time prospecting and negotiating with clients unless the ticket is high enough to justify his involvement. That’s why we recommend that the CEO only make sales in the case of strategic negotiations with key accounts. In other words, when the prospect represents a significant change for the company. Choice criteria can be:

  • Percentage of revenue representation in the future;
  • possibility of entering new markets;
  • substantial gain in authority, as in the case of being a large and renowned customer.

Connections: participation in events and executive networking

Constant contact with the market is an effective way to sell the product. The CEO gains visibility and credibility for the company whenever he is a speaker, interviewed in the media, and networking. And he can bridge the gap between acquired contacts and the sales team.

CEOs talk to CEOs – they can shorten sales time by generating interest in the solution offered. A CEO involved in the sales process will know how to identify significant opportunities. Don’t underestimate the power of opening doors and helping to improve overall results.


Don’t get distracted by the strategic management of the company

The CEO is always at risk of being swallowed up by routine, especially in small and medium-sized companies. We have gathered some precious tips to prevent this from happening in this post. But there are two serious mistakes less experienced CEOs make, especially when networking. We brush up on how to avoid them.

  • Do not change the company’s pricing, service, or warranty policies on your own. It is best to rely on the know-how of the sales consultant responsible for the account. This way, you ensure that they develop a fruitful relationship.
  • Do not interrupt the sales process. The brightest CEOs are more prone to this – since they know a lot about the company, they believe they are immune to error. Trust your process and your team.

Remember: the CEO’s role is to keep his eyes on the company’s future. It exists to increase cash (and consequent transfer of capital) to the partners. Involving him in the sales strategy is one thing; calling you to run key account sales is another. But never, ever reach the CEO for routine sales. But how (when?) to remove the CEO from the operation? What is the way forward? The answer is simple: delegate. The first step is to properly define how the business process works and the roles of each team member. And, if you find it risky to compare the level of knowledge between different hierarchical levels, know that it is unnecessary.


How to do video marketing?

Video marketing: why use videos in your marketing ?

Ideally, the content of your videos should be strategic and useful to your consumers. There are several ways to search for topics of interest, including your audience’s feedback on their social networks and the most searched keywords on Google — you can get an idea of what they are using the AdWords keyword tool. Always try to bring original, interesting, and practical information. Never produce content for the sake of producing.

Produce quality videos

The quality of the video, for the consumer, is directly linked to the company’s quality. Dark, out-of-focus, echoing videos make a bad impression. Invest in good equipment, a qualified team, or, if applicable, in hiring a good producer. Also, have the necessary support on your website or blog to run smoothly — four of five consumers stop watching the video if it crashes.

Adapt videos to the web

Consumers are exposed to a lot of information on the web. Therefore, they need practical, easy-to-understand, and fast content, in the case of videos. Invest in short videos. If you need to stretch, consider splitting the video into smaller parts — a course, for example, can be divided by topic. Try not to exceed two minutes on average, as 60% of people stop watching videos after that time. 

Use videos at various stages of the purchase

Although they are the perfect format for the more in-depth content of the sales funnel, they can be used at all stages of your consumers’ buying process, from tips on a broad subject related to the company’s area of activity to institutional content.

Explore different formats

Quick tips, webinars, interviews, reports, institutional videos, and live broadcasts: there are many options that can be explored in the most diverse situations. A clothing store might use videos to give fashion tips, a real estate agent to show featured properties, or an office to broadcast an interview with a health specialist. Don’t be afraid to discover and test different formats.

Videos won the internet and marketing strategies for their practicality. In a few minutes, with plenty of images and dynamism, it is possible to expose and absorb considerable information without boredom. Don’t let them be missing from your strategy!

SEO of Real estate websites

How to optimize your real estate website?

It is imperative to optimize your real estate website, making it appear in the search engines of search engines. In this way, your properties will be found by many more people, and the chances of doing business increase. Therefore, the broker must understand how to improve the optimization of your real estate website, so we have prepared some tips. Check out what they are!

Relevant Content

A website starts to appear on search results pages from the moment its content is considered relevant by the search engine. Google, for example, uses some mechanisms to sort websites when someone searches. Optimizing a website means qualifying it to appear well positioned in a search result.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is always important to consider using an SEO tool – Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a set of strategies to generate more visits to your website and unpaid access conversions, the famous organic search. With this type of tool, it is possible to improve the optimization of your real estate website, making it achieve better positions and results on Google. To optimize your real estate website, we suggest defining three critical points about your properties:

  • the primary type of property;
  • the main transaction type;
  • the central location where the properties are located.

These tips aim to make your website appear on Google and stand out with a focus on the properties you own. To do this, you can start by defining your page title, description, and keywords according to what the potential customer will search for it.

Disclosure of the website

The last tip is to remind the realtor that Google considers the number of other pages that reference your site. So the more you disclose the address with the link to your real estate website, the better your optimization. Therefore, promote your real estate website on other pages, such as on your social networks, in comments, and on blogs.

Digital Marketing with BI

How Digital Marketing can ally with BI

Uniting Digital Marketing and BI (Business Intelligence) is one of the biggest trends in Digital Marketing. But do you know exactly what BI is? Business Intelligence applications analyze, in-depth, the data that a company has, for example, transactions completed on its e-commerce site or even customer profiles. The BI process then transforms this collected data into information to be used in making strategic decisions related to the business, such as starting a new marketing campaign or promoting a certain type of product.

The union of Digital Marketing and BI

Business Intelligence can be extremely useful for a well-crafted marketing strategy. Although it has been a trend in recent years, the use of BI is not so recent. The first Business Intelligence tools were introduced in marketing in the early 2000s. It is common practice to combine Digital Marketing and BI, such as using data analysis methodologies for customer loyalty projects, cross-selling, demand forecasting, etc. Over the years, software’s ease of use has increased, and predictive models have become increasingly effective. Today, however, there are new challenges to be addressed: the available data, both internal and external, is constantly increasing. This gigantic source of data is transformed into information and insights because, in the data-driven business, the ability of companies to compete and be effective largely depends on it.

Digital Marketing and BI Strategies

There are several ways in which Digital Marketing can make use of Business Intelligence processes. Meet some:

Data analysis

It is now possible to work with real-time analytics based on user demographic and behavioral data. Social media and search engine campaigns can benefit from the structured analysis used by BI experts. For example, SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is increasingly taking an analytical stance, as many analytics platforms (such as Google Analytics) provide a depth of data that includes basic demographics and user search behavior. Also, social media engagement data is a great way to look at the general demographics (age, gender, location) of users who engage the most with the company online.


Providing comprehensive audience data across offline and online platforms can help better target campaigns. BI enables companies to build behavior patterns for their ideal audience across multiple forms of media, including television, radio, print, and online.

Content Strategy

BI, from Big Data, can give marketers a good idea about their target audience. So they can understand what kind of online content results in the most traffic and conversions. It gives the company an idea of what is most interesting to their target audience, allowing them to modify their content strategy in the future. Were you able to visualize the importance of Business Intelligence in your business? Start thinking about integrating Digital Marketing and BI in your company. 

Growth Hacking

Growth hacking: what it is and how it works ?

An expression created by American entrepreneur Sean Ellis, growth hacking does not have a literal translation, but the idea behind it is to carry out experiment-oriented marketing. The two words, in a way, explain the concept growth (growth) and exploration (hacking ) as the practice consists of taking advantage of market gaps to uncover opportunities and develop exponential growth strategies.

What is growth hacking for, and how does it work?

The word “hacker” usually has a negative attribution, but the term refers to an individual who seeks more detailed knowledge beyond the ordinary.

Growth hacking is a way of doing marketing based on opportunity studies and testing. The professional who follows this strategy analyzes the situation from where the company is to where it wants to go. The main goal of growth hacking is accelerated growth. For this, it uses a methodology focused on testing and conversion optimization. The concept is similar to that of Digital Marketing. Still, as Marcelo Toledo, author, and startup developer, explains, growth hacking is a little more comprehensive and is not limited to marketing management actions. The professional needs to consult other sectors of the company, such as product development, finance, business operations, and even human resources. Therefore, it is the scope where product development and marketing strategies meet.

What are the advantages of investing in growth hacking?

Now that you understand better what growth hacking consists of, its responsibilities, and how it differs from marketing, learn about five benefits of investing in this strategy.

Fast growth

The main objective of growth hacking is to promote the accelerated growth of companies. The professional analyzes different areas of the organization, propose improvements, and works on campaigns to close deals and gain market share. Strategies generally involve low costs and creativity, the genuine demands of any startup.


The second benefit we highlight is the ability to increase bottom-line results without burdening the company while keeping costs down. Airbnb is an example of this, as the service provided by the company is the integration made between property owners and people who want to rent.

Operating costs and processes are not expected to grow much even though the company has consecutive increases in the number of customers making scalability possible while maintaining profitability.

Sales predictability

Due to the use of digital Marketing and results from measurement techniques, the growth hacker can predict sales in a given period based on transaction history and stored data.


Another essential feature is having a more giant sales funnel than the one generally adopted in Digital Marketing, with a specific emphasis on the recommendation. The use of virtualization techniques, such as referring friends through social networks, makes the company known in the market more quickly and at meager costs.

Choice of alternatives

Through product development and marketing integration, growth hacking can identify the best opportunities and apply the right tools to promote the growth of organizations. To be implemented with mastery, with each decision the company needs to make, the growth hacker must ask himself what will be the impacts of this choice and other alternatives for the growth of the business.





LinkedIn sales navigator

Benefits of having LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

LinkedIn is a social network where you can connect with companies, co-workers, and other professionals from the most diverse areas, access professional content and even find vacancies available in the market. But in addition, this social network fulfills another function well: prospecting customers and business partners.

There is a tool on LinkedIn called Sales Navigator, through which it is possible to search for new leads using filters and segmentations. These filters allow you to identify a specific contact based on certain parameters, such as geolocation, the sector of the company you work for, and your position. So, within minutes, you can access a potential customer’s profile. Discover now some benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator in prospecting leads.

What are the benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

One of the advantages is the tool’s ability to provide personalized suggestions for your company. That way, you can prospect smart sales according to your preferences and save the history of potential customers. Another advantage is the use of advanced filters. The Lead Builder, i.e., lead builder, is a Sales Navigator tool through which you can filter contacts based on profile information. Are they:

  • the company where the professional works;
  • office;
  • keywords;
  • existence of mutual friends on LinkedIn ;
  • locality;
  • Postal Code;
  • country;
  • distance in kilometers;
  • a sector where you work;
  • job level;
  • company size (in number of employees);
  • branch/industry of activity.

The tool also has a rich menu, which provides a search bar, a  feed with all potential customers, saved and suggested companies, a message box, and a list of potential customers with filters. Social selling, using social networks for sales, has interesting indices. According to the LinkedIn Sales Navigator website, professionals who use the social selling technique generate 45% more business opportunities, 51% more chances of reaching sales targets, and 78% more productivity. It works very well in both field sales and inside sales.

How does Sales Navigator work?

To use the platform best, you must first define your persona. This is a strategically defined character whose profile brings together the most common attributes of your group of potential customers. This is one of the first steps to establishing communication with your target audience. After identifying your persona’s age, gender, location, and other profile information, build lists with the help of LinkedIn Sales Navigator filters. And then, you can make the initial contact via InMail, connect with the prospect, follow them or contact them in some other way, like phone or email. However, try not to be too intrusive.

How to use it?

To start with LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you must fill out a form on the website for a free demo. After the first month’s free demo, payment starts per month, billed annually. Keep an eye out for the billing date if you want to stop the service.

If you use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) – customer relationship manager in Portuguese -check if it is possible to integrate it with LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Thus, the data will be synchronized between the platforms, and you will be able to visualize better the profile of each contact, company, and interaction between you. After prospecting leads, you will need to find out the emails or other forms of communication and organize them in CRM, an Excel file, or some other way of handling this information. Now that you know more about the tool and the possibility of integrating it into your digital marketing strategies use lead scoring and filters in excel or CRM to identify the most qualified client.


What is CAC ?

What is CAC? How to reduce CAC with these tips?

You already know how costly it is to acquire new customers. Therefore, tracking metrics such as CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) is essential to know how to optimize and reduce this cost.

What is CAC?

CAC represents the total marketing and sales costs to acquire a customer — one of the most important metrics! After all, without customers, there is no revenue; without revenue, there is no business. Then, calculating the Customer Acquisition Cost is essential to analyze whether revenue is being generated above it since there is a very close relationship between CAC and the company’s profitability.

How to reduce CAC?

Check out the best strategies to reduce your business CAC!

Improve Your Website Conversions

You can generate immense traffic to your business website. But the question is, how many of those visitors are converting? Unqualified traffic doesn’t convert, and you’re throwing money away without the conversion. Monitoring, testing, and improving your conversion rates is the surest way to lower your Customer Acquisition Cost. Because? The more people you can push to the bottom of the sales funnel and convert them into customers, the lower your CAC will be. Does it seem obvious? And is! However, not everyone can do this correctly.

Use the 80/20 rule

Also known as the Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule theorizes that 20% of your efforts are responsible for producing 80% of your results. In business, this can be applied in many ways! For example, 20% of your marketing projects generate 80% of your revenue.

Implement Ideal Customer Profile and Personas

When marketing your product or service, don’t shoot in the dark! Marketing actions need to be objective about who they should reach. For that, you can use Pareto here again: 20% of your customers generate 80% of your revenue. In other words: use what you know about your 20% most loyal customers and use that knowledge to attract and retain a new audience.

Finding out who your ideal customer is and developing that persona is very important because she is the one who will drive your entire marketing and content strategy for your business. Don’t confuse these techniques with targeting, which is for targeting your niche! Persona is much more specific: it is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer with name, occupation, shopping habits, and other data developed through research.

 Reduce Churn Rate

If you want to reduce your business’s CAC, seriously consider reducing your churn rate! The churn rate is the rate of customers lost by the company in a given period. There is no logic in thinking exclusively about reducing Customer Acquisition Costs without optimizing your loyalty — so that you extract maximum revenue over time through new business with the same customers, paying your costs, and generating more profits. Therefore, reducing the churn rate is not directly related to the reduction of CAC, but it is an optimization of the results in revenue and profit generation for the company.

Do Digital Marketing

To reduce CAC, you must be relevant to potential and current customers. This can only be achieved through a strategy that attracts potential customers with the ideal profile, generates conversions and sales, and delights customers, reaching after-sales. Digital Marketing is a methodology that connects all the dots, integrating channels such as social networks, search engines, and email, and optimizing ads and SEO, to expose your positioning and generate the desire to have your company as a supplier.

The importance of calculating your CAC

As you can see, there are several strategies to reduce CAC, and, in any of them, you need to make a consistent plan to achieve good results. To help you, we have created the CAC Calculator Worksheet! With it, you can calculate your Customer Acquisition Cost and plan how to increase your profits.

Why do you need a blog

Why do you need a blog and how it will be helpful?

You may have already realized that being on the internet doesn’t necessarily mean appearing on it, especially if you don’t have a well-structured digital marketing strategy. Therefore, appearing on the internet does not mean reaching your ideal audience without a plan. But do you know the best digital marketing strategy to improve your visibility on the internet by getting the right audience without spending a lot? In this article, you will see how a blog for your company will help you conquer your audience, generate authority for your brand, and increase sales.

Create relevant content 

Content marketing has been taking up space and becoming more and more essential as a digital marketing strategy for companies. The first step in reaching the right audience with this strategy starts with choosing themes for the content that will be covered on your blog and the language used in this content. For example, if your company sells sporting goods, you can create content related to the world of sports and physical exercise and even give tips on adventure tourism. Always keep in mind when producing your content that, more important than selling your product, is that your content generates interest in your target audience.

Educate your audience

Now that you know what topics you want to address on your blog, you need to help your audience solve their pains – pains that they may not have even noticed yet – for example (continuing on the assumption that your company sells sporting goods) if your company sells hiking shoes, create content giving tips on places that are interesting for those who practice this activity or want to start. Another example is talking about the importance for the health of using the correct footwear for such action. By creating relevant content that helps your audience, you become an authority on the subject, which makes all the difference to the customer at the time of purchase. 

By doing SEO 

The production of this relevant content focused on specific keywords and on building links helps optimize search engines – SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – of your blog, making it better indexed by Google, which generates an increase in the reach of its contents on the internet.

Interact with your audience

The care when creating content is not limited to blogs. The same care is indicated for content posted on social networks. With the 3rd position in the ranking of countries with the most users on Facebook and 2nd position on Instagram and Twitter, we cannot deny how important it is for your company to be present on social networks. For your company to perform better with brand fans, you should invest in publications that interact with them – quizzes and comics are good examples – and of course, create interesting headlines to attract them to your blog.

Turn Your Readers into Leads

Given that you have content that is suitable and targeted to your target audience and that your audience already trusts and interacts with your brand, you need to make them stop being just a visitor, an attentive reader of your content, or even a fan and convert it into a lead. You can create landing pages that offer free and exclusive materials, such as an e-book or a webinar. You can also – and should – have a field dedicated to the newsletter subscription visible within your blog and generate leads.

 This will help your company to keep in touch with this reader. Be sure to nourish him so that the lead becomes a customer in the future.

Digital Marketing for real estate

Digital marketing for real estate: how to generate more leads?

With the popularization of the internet in recent years and the universalization of the digital medium as a shopping platform, all sectors of the economy are tuned to the best marketing practices involving this type of technology. The real estate market could not be left out, of course, using real estate Digital Marketing strategies that have brought good results.

It is quite possible that your real estate company already has a good website, with updated content about the properties sold and even profiles on social networks. All of this is a great start, but you need to start using this whole structure to your advantage to generate qualified leads for your real estate and, consequently, increase sales. we will present you with some tips and guidelines on how to use real estate digital marketing to generate leads and sell more. 

Keep the website updated as a real estate Digital Marketing strategy

The first and most elementary tip is to keep the site updated with complete data and information about the properties, if possible, with a good search system and many filters to make the user’s life easier. And lots of pictures, of course! t may even seem silly, but a site with little information and outdated is quickly discarded by the user, who hardly returns to close a deal.

Provide rich content to your user

Of course, basic information about properties makes up an important aspect of the content you produce for your audience. After all, it is in everyone’s interest to know the quality of the property, its location, benefits, payment, and financing methods, among myriad other points. But is that enough?

When we talk about content related to digital marketing, we are talking about rich and relevant content for the user’s life, planned and produced by your company to conquer an audience and turn them into qualified leads. This rich and interesting material for your client can be produced in different formats: blog posts, e-books, video tutorials, webinars, and infographics, among others.

The essence of content marketing is to captivate the user looking at that moment for more specific information on a topic related to your business. For example, you can publish on your blog a special post about the best bakeries in a certain neighborhood (where you have properties for sale) or produce an e-book on how to do good personal financial planning to be able to finance a property.

Make use of social networks and sponsored links.

All this content produced must reach people, and your future brings some results. To this end, there is nothing like using social media platforms, perfect for sharing this content, gaining visibility, and promoting interaction and engagement on the part of users. In addition, it is important to consider developing a sponsored links campaign, both on Google (through AdWords) and on Facebook (through Facebook Ads), so that your content reaches users and reaches the public in a certain way.