How to Survive with Core Update March 2024

How to Survive with Core Update March 2024?


In the rapidly evolving world of online search, Google’s core upgrades are like revolutionary moments. They are influencing the digital landscape and having a significant impact on website ranking and exposure. Google improves its algorithms with each core update, strengthening the criteria for evaluating and ranking websites in search results.

Rankings and website traffic are often significantly fluctuating by these changes.

To enhance user experience and search relevance, Google released its most recent core update in March 2024. These updates are more organic as they address changing online content consumption trends and ensure accurate results.

In this article, we will discuss the complexity of the latest Google March 2024 core update, which is widely regarded as one of the most concerning issues in the digital world. So, let’s unfold the mystery of this update along with its impact on the website’s SEO.

What are Google Core Update

Google Core Updates are significant changes to its ranking algorithm, occurring once every two or three months. The basic purpose of these updates is to improve user experience by search results quality and relevancy.

Google’s core updates alter the ranking process for web pages, causing high-ranking pages to fall and low-ranking pages to gain after the update.

Purpose of Google Core Updates

➡️ Google’s primary goal with core updates is to refine and improve the search engine’s algorithms so that users obtain the most relevant and high-quality search results possible.

➡️ These updates aim to improve the overall user experience by emphasizing authoritative, trustworthy, and useful information.

➡️ Google’s algorithms are regularly updated to reflect changing user patterns, technological advancements, and developing web content trends.

➡️ One of the goals of these changes is to punish websites that engage in spamming or manipulative activity.

Finally, the goal of core updates is to ensure that users get accurate, reliable, and relevant information when they make searches, hence maintaining Google’s position as the top search engine.

History of Google Core Updates

Google core upgrades have been around since the beginning of the search engine. These updates are the upgradation of the ranking system on search engines. They mark significant turning points in Google’s continuous progress, with the goal of optimising algorithms to raise the calibre of search results. These have changed throughout time, illustrating Google’s commitment to providing people around the globe with accurate and relevant information.

Focus Points of Previous Core Updates

January 2020:

➡️ Introduced broad core algorithm update,

➡️ Increased focus on E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness).

➡️ Emphasized on content quality and relevance.

May 2020:

➡️ Emphasized user experience,

➡️ Concerned for Site speed, and mobile-friendliness.

➡️ Implemented the penalty for any intrusive interstitials

December 2020:

➡️ Focused on user intent and semantic search.

➡️ Prioritized featured snippets and rich results.

June 2021:

➡️ Addressed spammy backlinks and low-quality content.

➡️ Enhanced scrutiny of affiliate content and thin pages.

July 2021:

➡️ Emphasized local SEO factors and business listings.

➡️  Enhanced relevance for localized search queries.

November 2021:

➡️ Targeted spammy structured data markup.

➡️ Imposed a fine for using misleading, irrelevant or superfluous schema markup

May 2022:

➡️ Increased emphasis on content relevancy and expertise.

➡️ Improved recognition of authoritative sources.

September 2022:

➡️ Priority was given to mobile-first indexing and usability.

➡️ Ads that are too intrusive or not mobile-friendly are penalized.

March 2023:

➡️ Addressed user-generated content quality and spam.

➡️ Focused on combating fake reviews and low-quality comments.

August 2023:

➡️ Increased focus on user engagement metrics and dwell time.

➡️ Penalty for high bounce rates and low session duration.

October 2023:

➡️ Enhanced understanding of natural language processing.

➡️ Improved comprehension of conversational queries and long-tail keywords.

November 2023:

➡️ Improved understanding of search intent and context.

➡️ Improved relevancy for detailed and precise search queries.

Google Core Updates March 2024

Google has announced the latest core update, which is supposed to have a sum up of all previous core updates with some additional points.

Google’s March 2024 update majorly emphasized on following aspects;

➡️ Content quality,

➡️ Relevance

➡️ User experience

➡️ Introducing domain authority concepts

Highlighting the importance of unique, valuable content to maintain visibility and credibility in search results.

Is Core Updates March 2024 a Threat to Many Existing Websites

While all of Google’s core upgrades, including the latest March 2024 update, can cause swings in search ranks and traffic for some websites, they are not intended to be harmful. Rather, the goal of these updates is to make search results more relevant and high-quality, which will ultimately help both website owners and users. 

As Google’s algorithms get better at identifying and penalizing such activities, websites with low-quality or irrelevant content, as well as those that employ outdated or manipulative SEO strategies, may suffer from fundamental improvements. As a result, core updates in 2024 may cause issues for some websites.

But remember these updates also provide opportunities for those who value excellent content and user experience. To get and preserve top organic search ranks on Google, now websites need to comprehend the principles underlying these latest core upgrades.

Core Update 2024 and Its Impact

Let’s categorize this latest update for better understanding.

➡️ Nature of the Update:

Combines Multiple Core Updates:

The March 2024 core update combines all previous changes to Google’s algorithms. The purpose is to improve search result relevance.

Comprehensive Approach:

Rather than offering isolated modifications, this update addresses numerous aspects of search ranking criteria together.

➡️ Addressing Concerns:

Irrelevant information Ranking High:

Before the upgrade, there was a common problem with irrelevant and low-quality information occupying prominent positions in search results.

Algorithm Manipulation:

 Some content writers prioritized clickbait methods over substance, taking advantage of flaws in search algorithms to boost their rankings.

➡️ Objectives of the Update:

Improving Content Quality:

The major purpose of the March 2024 update is to improve the quality and relevancy of information appearing in search results.

Improving User Experience:

By focusing on valuable information or content, Google hopes to improve the overall user experience and credibility of its search platform.

➡️ Impact on SEO Practices:

Priority Shift:

Website owners and content writers must prioritize substance and value over cosmetic optimization strategies.

Adaptation Required:

SEO methods must fit with Google’s shifting criteria, emphasizing user-centric approaches and comprehensive content generation.

➡️ Implications for the Digital Ecosystem:

Paradigm Shift:

When it comes to SEO techniques and content generation tactics, the Google March 2024 core upgrade is the catalyst for a fundamental change in the digital game.

Emphasizes on Quality:

To be visible and credible in search results, content creators’ primary goal should be to concentrate on creating high-quality, pertinent information.

Effect on Website Reputation

The March 2024 core update introduced domain authority, enhancing website reputation and ensuring sustainability in search engine optimization.

Here’s the precise description of each point.

➡️ Introduction to Domain Authority:

Google has significantly altered its approach to website reputation.  The March 2024 core update focuses on domain authority, which considers content relevance and website reliability.

➡️ Consideration of Content Relevance:

With the upgrade, Google now considers the relevance of material to a domain’s historical purpose or niche knowledge.

Websites that publish content unrelated to their defined niche may struggle to retain or improve their search rankings.

➡️ Potential Consequences for Expired Domains:

Expired domains repurposed for unrelated content can negatively impact their reputation and search visibility. These expired domains potentially make websites less trustworthy by Google’s algorithm.

➡️ Impact on SEO Strategy:

Website owners and SEO practitioners must prioritize content relevance and alignment with the domain’s existing specialization. Avoiding the usage of expired domains for unrelated content and focusing on thematic consistency within the website’s content architecture is more critical from now on.

➡️ Long-term Implications:

Domain authority highlights how crucial it is to create content that is proactive and maintains consistency across websites for establishing authority, relevance, and expertise within a particular niche.

Content Quality and Relevance

Google’s search engines always prioritize high-quality, relevant content, which improves depth and readability. They provide advice on avoiding redundancy and outmoded tactics, emphasizing the need to maintain current best practices in content production and search engine optimization.

➡️ Focus on High-Quality, Relevant Content:

Google’s unwavering commitment to providing helpful and relevant search results emphasizes the necessity of putting high-quality content first. Websites that constantly provide content that matches user intent and adds actual value are more likely to earn and keep high search rankings.

Tips for Improving Content Depth and Readability:

➡️  Tables, Graphs, and Infographics:

  • Adding visual components like tables, graphs, and infographics can improve the depth and readability of text.
  • Make sure the images fit the content and enhance the story by offering more background or insights into the subject matter
  • In addition to breaking up text, visual aids make complex information easier to understand and retain.

➡️  Caution Against Duplicating Content or Relying on Outdated Techniques:

Copying Content:

  • Google penalizes websites for duplicating information or content across several pages or from other sources. It is critical to ensure that any material on your website is unique and adds value to users.

Relying on Outdated Techniques:

  • SEO approaches that were once beneficial may no longer produce positive effects and may even impair your website’s ranking. It is critical to stay updated with best practices and avoid using old strategies like keyword stuffing or link schemes.

Parasite SEO

With the release of Google’s core upgrades in 2024, there has been a significant increase in the use of parasitic SEO tactics. Parasite SEO is the use of third-party platforms, such as social media sites, forums, or high-authority websites, to fast-rank material in search engine results pages (SERPs).

However, parasite SEO has inherent risks and potential consequences despite its attraction or allure. Websites relying on third-party platforms for ranking may face unforeseen algorithm changes and lack of control, potentially compromising user experience and brand identification.

Search engines prefer original sources, therefore relying only on third-party platforms may not produce the intended results. To establish a strong online presence, you should focus on increasing the authority of your website and offering original and useful content.

Future Expectations

SEO trends remain unpredictable due to constant changes in search algorithms and user behaviours. Google’s cooperation with Reddit exemplifies cross-platform collaboration, with the potential to reshape content discovery and consumption. The cooperation focuses on adaptation and receptivity to digital developments.

Fostering participation and discourse is critical for navigating SEO because it drives innovation and adaptability in the digital environment. Accept uncertainty with curiosity and resilience, laying the groundwork for a more collaborative journey.

Key Strategies for Navigating the March 2024 Core Update

Surviving the core update, such as the one in March 2024, requires several essential strategies. You may improve your website’s long-term performance in search engine rankings and make it more resilient to algorithm upgrades by implementing the following tactics;

1.   Evaluate Your Content:

 Determine how the upgrade will affect the content on your website. Identify pages that have experienced losses or increases in rankings and traffic.

2.   Quality Content:

Provide valuable, pertinent, and high-quality content for your intended audience. Make sure your content is comprehensive, well-researched, and serves the intended purpose of the user.

3.   User Experience (UX)

Make your website’s user experience (UX) a top priority. Increase user satisfaction by improving site performance, mobile friendliness, and navigation.

4.   Technical SEO

It entails optimizing your website’s technical aspects, such as crawlability, indexability, and site structure. Address any problems with broken links, duplicate content, or thin content.

5.   Authority Building:

You can establish the authority of your website by obtaining backlinks from trustworthy sources within your niche.

6.   Adaptability:

Keep up with changes to search engine algorithms so that you can modify your SEO approach appropriately. Observe how the industry is changing and modify your strategies as necessary.

7.   Diversification:

Make use of other sources of traffic besides organic search. Increase the number of traffic sources you have. Investing in alternate channels such as social media, email marketing, or paid advertising might help you become less reliant on traffic from search engines.

8.   Have patience and perseverance:

Recognise that it could take some time to recover from a core update. Continue to be persistent and patient while making adjustments and observing the outcomes.


In conclusion, the March 2024 core update emphasizes the importance of excellent content, user-centric techniques, and website authority in SEO. By prioritizing the above-mentioned features, employing those survival tactics and being flexible to future trends, website owners can weather algorithm changes with confidence. As we welcome unpredictability, staying updated and being adaptable can position us for long-term success in the ever-changing world of search engine optimization.

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-14 at 10.20.45 PM

What is Keyword Density? Does it Still Matter in SEO?


Keyword density has long been a focus in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). This term has been serving as a statistic for determining the relevance and prominence of individual terms in web content. Historically, SEO practitioners carefully assessed and optimized keyword density to improve their website’s exposure in search engine results pages (SERPs). However, as we are witnessing massive progress in search engine algorithms, so is the importance of keyword density.

In this article, we will look at the concept of keyword density with its historical significance in SEO practices. Also, we will explore if keyword density is still relevant in today’s SEO scenario.

Understanding Keyword Density:

“Keyword density refers to the percentage of times a specific keyword is used on a web page.”

It is calculated by counting the number of times the target keyword appears in various elements of the page, including the title, meta description, and content. While keyword density is not the most crucial metric for search engine optimization, it is still used by search engines to determine the relevance of a webpage to a particular search term.

Calculating Keyword Density

To calculate keyword density, you can use a simple formula. Divide the number of times the keyword is used by the total number of words in the blog post, and then multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage representation.

The formula for Calculating Keyword Density:

(Number of times keyword appears/Total no. of words in content)×100

 For example, if a 100-word article uses the keyword twice, the keyword density would be 2 percent.

Role of Keywords in SEO

Keywords play an important part in SEO since they help search engines identify the relevancy and topic of a piece of content. When users enter a search query, search engines analyze the keywords in the query and compare them to the terms in online content to determine which sites should appear in the search results.

Historical Significance of Keyword Density

Historically, keyword density was significant in SEO for various reasons:


Search engines employ keyword density to determine a webpage’s relevancy to a specific search query. Pages with a higher keyword density were frequently seen as being more relevant to the query, making them more likely to rank higher in search results.

Ranking Factor:

SEO practitioners felt that optimizing keyword density would directly affect a webpage’s ranking in search results. Websites aiming to boost visibility and generate more organic visitors from search engines.

Competitive Advantage

Websites that properly manage keyword density may have a competitive advantage over others in their niche. Websites that ensure their content has the proper keywords in the right amount may boost their chances of appearing higher in search results and gaining more visitors.

Latest Significance of Keyword Density

Although keyword density used to be a major SEO component, constant changes in search engine algorithms have made it less significant over time. Nowadays, search engines give more weight to other elements than just the density of keywords. These include;

➡️ User Intent,

➡️ High-Quality Content,

➡️ Relevancy

➡️ User Experience

As a result, rather than concentrating only on keyword optimization, SEO tactics now emphasise producing helpful, high-quality content that answers user inquiries and meets their demands.

Tracing the Evolution of Keyword Density in SEO Practices

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, search engines like Google, Yahoo, and AltaVista used simple algorithms that mainly relied on keyword density to rank results. Webmasters would intentionally arrange keywords throughout their material, striving for optimal keyword density that indicated significance to search engines.

Keyword density was regarded as an important metric for SEO practitioners seeking to optimise their web pages for increased visibility in search results. Websites with more keyword density were frequently rewarded with higher rankings, resulting in more organic traffic and visibility.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing emerged as a common practice among webmasters. They seek to manipulate search engine rankings. This technique involved excessively repeating keywords or phrases within content, meta tags, and other on-page elements in an attempt to artificially inflate keyword density.

Webmasters would often employ tactics to trick search engines into ranking their pages higher. such as ;

➡️ Hiding Keywords Within The Web Page’s Code

➡️ Using White Text On a White Background

➡️ Creating Lists of Keywords at the Bottom of the Page

Cons of Over Stuffing of Keywords

Search engines grew increasingly skilled at spotting and penalizing websites that used keyword stuffing as their algorithms developed and improved. Updates to search engines, like Google’s Panda algorithm, penalized overly optimized websites and low-quality content, which diminished the impact of keyword stuffing as an SEO strategy.

➡️ However, keyword stuffing degraded the quality of search results and produced a bad user experience.

➡️ Keyword-stuffed pages frequently had poor quality content and were unable to adequately answer user requests

Keyword stuffing is now well recognized as a black hat SEO tactic, and search engines actively oppose it. Instead, search engines priorities high-quality, user-focused content that adds value to users’ lives while still meeting their search criteria. As a result, keyword density is no longer as important as it once was, and new SEO tactics priorities providing relevant, informative content above keyword optimization.

Evolution of Search Engine Algorithms

Early Stages

In the early days of search engines, algorithms relied heavily on keyword matching to identify the relevancy of online pages to searches. Search engines used characteristics like keyword density, meta tags, and backlinks to rank pages in search results.

Page Rank Algorithm

Google revolutionized search when it introduced the PageRank algorithm in the late 1990s. PageRank assessed the value of online pages based on the quantity and quality of inbound connections, treating each link as a vote of confidence. This move from keyword-centric to link-centric algorithms enhanced search results while reducing the impact of keyword density on rankings.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Semantic Search

By the advancements of artificial intelligence and machine learning, semantic search and NLP techniques have been incorporated into contemporary search engines. This comprehends the meaning and context of user searches.

Search engines may now analyse a word or phrase’s meaning by using semantic search, which takes user intent, synonyms, and related terms into account. Because of this progress, search engines are now able to provide more relevant results based on user intent and are no longer dependent on exact keyword matches.

User Experience (UX) Signals

Search engines now use a variety of UX signals to determine the quality and relevance of online sites. Search rankings are influenced by factors such as

➡️ Page Load Speed

➡️ Mobile-Friendliness

➡️ Usability

➡️ Engagement Metrics (for example, bounce rate and dwell time).

Websites that prioritize user experience receive superior ranks, regardless of keyword density.

Content Quality and Authority

Today’s search algorithms prioritize high-quality, authoritative information that adds value to users. Search engines use different variables including

➡️ Content Relevancy

➡️ Depth

➡️ Distinctiveness,

➡️ Competence to Determine the Quality of Online Pages

Regardless of keyword density, websites with thorough, well-researched content that successfully answers user queries are now more likely to rank higher in search results.

Modern Search Engine Algorithms

Modern search engine algorithms have some distinct requirements for web content. It prioritizes relevancy, user experience, and quality content over keyword density for several reasons:

User-Centric Approach

➡️ Search engines strive to deliver the most relevant and valuable results depending on users’ search queries.

➡️ Search engines ensure that consumers can discover the information they need quickly and simply by putting relevance, user experience, and content quality first.

Combating Manipulative Tactics

➡️ Keyword stuffing and other over-optimization techniques jeopardize the accuracy of search results and degrade the user experience.

➡️ Modern algorithms penalize websites that engage in such activities, encouraging webmasters to focus on producing high-quality, user-focused content instead.

Adapting to Changing Search Behaviour

Over time, user search behaviour has evolved, with a greater emphasis on following,

◾Long-Tail Inquiries

◾Voice Search

◾Natural Language

Exact keyword matches are less important in modern algorithms, which use semantic search and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to recognise and adapt to these changes.

Improving Search Experience

➡️ Search engines improve users’ overall search experiences by giving priority to relevance, user experience, and high-quality information.

➡️ Websites that fit these requirements have a higher chance of successfully responding to user inquiries and offering searchers value, both of which improve user satisfaction.

In short, rather than being fixated on keyword optimization, contemporary SEO tactics place more of an emphasis on producing worthwhile content that successfully meets user needs.

Best Practices for Keyword Usage in Advance SEO

SEO-recommended practices are always altering to keep up with search engines’ ever-changing algorithms and users’ evolving behaviours in today’s dynamic digital ecosystem. Instead of focusing simply on keyword density, it is recommended that you use these best practices for successful keyword usage:

  1. Include your major keyword in the title, meta description, and first paragraph of your content.
  2. Include the term in your image alt tags, but not for all images.
  3. Use the keyword or variations on it in some of your subheadings.
  4. To avoid overusing the same keyword, use similar words and synonyms.

Using similar terms and synonyms not only diversifies your content but also enhances the user experience. It communicates to search engines that your material is comprehensive and relevant to a wider range of search phrases.

The following are some crucial best practices that are necessary for modern SEO to be successful:

➡️ User-Focused Content

Give top priority to producing insightful, useful material that speaks to the needs and interests of users.

➡️ Semantic Search and Natural Language

Use semantic search to improve relevance and optimize content for natural language searches.

➡️ Mobile Friendly Design

Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices and offers a consistent user experience across all platforms.

➡️ Technical SEO

To improve visibility in search results, employ some of the following strategies in content.

  1. Schema markup
  2. Optimize meta tags
  3. Implement appropriate website architecture.

➡️ High-quality Backlinks

Put your efforts into obtaining backlinks from reputable websites that are associated with your sector.

➡️ User Experience (UX)

Improve website performance, usability, and navigation to increase user happiness and engagement (UX).

➡️ Analytics and Performance Tracking

To hone your SEO approach and boost website performance, keep a close eye on and analyze important indicators regularly.

Is Keyword Density Dead?

Does it Still Matter in Professional SEO

Keyword density is less important in modern SEO since search engine algorithms prioritize contextual relevance, user experience, and content quality. While it is still a factor, it pales in comparison to natural keyword integration inside high-quality content designed to meet user intent. Today, gaining higher results is based on creating meaningful, user-centric content rather than satisfying precise keyword density percentages. While keyword density is less important than it once was, it remains a factor in modern SEO strategy.

➡️ Contextual Relevance

Keywords must be contextually relevant to the content and reflect user intent.

➡️ Natural Integration

Keywords should be used naturally in the whole content, avoiding over-optimization.

➡️ Prioritizing the user experience

Content should prioritize user experience by adding value and successfully answering user questions.

➡️ Content Quality:

Regardless of keyword density, it is critical to provide high-quality content that meets user intent.

➡️ Search Engine Algorithms

Modern algorithms prioritize relevancy, user experience, and high-quality content over keyword density alone.


In summary, keyword density is a statistic used by search engines to determine how relevant a webpage is to a specific search phrase. While it is crucial to add keywords naturally into your content, overusing them can result in keyword stuffing and may affect your rankings. Instead of focusing on keyword density, employ best practices such as carefully placing the main keyword in the title, meta description, first paragraph, and picture alt tags. Diversify your content by including relevant phrases and synonyms.

Remember that the primary goal is to create natural and valuable content for your readers, not to focus simply on keyword density. Following these principles will boost your SEO efforts and create a better customer experience.

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-14 at 10.29.09 PM

How to Make a Six-Figure SEO Agency in Pakistan

SEO is a vital technique for improving digital presence in the modern digital era, where a company’s online visibility may make or break it. The need for SEO services has increased in Pakistan as Pakistani firms move more and more to Internet platforms, indicating a major change in marketing tactics. According to StatCounter, Google owns more than 95% of the search engine market share in Pakistan, emphasizing the need for businesses to optimize their online presence.

In this article, we will explore the complexities of creating a six-figure SEO agency in Pakistan. Let’s get started to take a journey towards the road of digital success.

Elevate Your Business:

Steps to Launching a Six-Figure SEO Agency in Pakistan

1.   Understanding the SEO Landscape in Pakistan:

In recent years, Pakistan has seen a significant upgrade towards digitalization, forcing firms to prioritize online presence through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). While SEO strategies are becoming more popular, many firms in Pakistan are still in the early stages of realizing their full potential. According to industry estimates, only approximately 30% of organizations regularly spend on SEO services, leaving plenty of potential for expansion and opportunity in the market.

●     Competition

However, Pakistan’s SEO landscape is not without obstacles. The amount of market competitiveness is one of the most significant challenges in beginning an SEO agency. With the increased demand for SEO services, the sector has grown saturated with both established companies and freelance practitioners competing for business.

●     Challenges for Starting an SEO Agency:

Intense competition is a key obstacle and the biggest challenge for newcomers to the SEO sector.

To stand out from the competition, you must employ innovative techniques and offer a distinct value offering.

●     Opportunities in the Digital Economy

  • Notwithstanding the obstacles, Pakistan’s growing digital economy offers lots of chances for ambitious business people wishing to launch an SEO firm.
  • Increased internet usage and the growth of online enterprises create a demand for specialized SEO services.

●     Cost-effective Entry into the Industry:

Moreover, starting an SEO agency in Pakistan usually requires less money upfront than starting a standard business.

This makes it a desirable choice for people who are enthusiastic about entrepreneurship and digital marketing.

2.   Building Your Skills and Expertise:

A.   Essential Skills for Running a Successful Six-Figure SEO Agency in Pakistan:

Mastering some crucial skills is the basic qualification for building an SEO agency.  These basic skills are stated in the following;

  • Keyword Research: Understanding keyword research is essential for discovering the terms and phrases your target audience uses while searching for products or services.
●     On-Page Optimization:

 Learn how to increase search engine ranks by optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and content structure.

●     Link Building

Link building is the process of developing ways to obtain high-quality backlinks from credible websites. The purpose of this link is to increase domain authority and search exposure.

●     Analytics:

Being proficient at using online analytics tools such as Google Analytics to measure website traffic, user behaviour, and campaign performance is an essential skill for digital residents. It allows them for data-driven decision-making.

B.   Staying Updated with SEO Trends and Algorithms:

SEO is a continually evolving profession, with search engines always improving their algorithms to provide more relevant and valuable search results. SEO specialists must stay on top of these developments and adjust their techniques accordingly to retain or increase search ranks.

SEO businesses can take help from the following mediums to keep on top of trends and provide their clients with the best possible outcomes.

  • Conferences,
  • Webinars,
  • Industry blogs,
  • Forums

Furthermore, networking with colleagues and taking part in online groups can offer insightful information and promote the exchange of knowledge about the newest SEO trends and best practices.

3. Setting up Your Agency:

●     Registering your business:

Select an appropriate business structure and register with the SECP for any required licenses and permits.

●     Creating A Website:

Create a professional website highlighting your skills, knowledge, and prior work.

Optimize it for search engines by using important keywords and providing easy navigation.

●     Setting Up a Pricing Structure:

To meet the needs and budgets of various clients, do proper market research and offer tiered price packages.

●     Branding and Marketing:

◾Create a compelling brand identity with visually attractive assets.

◾To attract customers, develop a multichannel marketing plan that includes social media platforms and content marketing.

◾Try to enter and then expand the network, attend industry events, and join professional associations to increase your credibility and contacts.

4. Getting Clients and Creating Revenue:

●     Client Acquisition Strategies:

According to a study by SEMrush, the average monthly retainer for SEO services in Pakistan ranges from $300 to $1000, depending on the scope of services provided.


Attend industry events, join online communities, and use professional networks to interact with possible clients and build relationships.

📌Cold Outreach:

 Identify potential clients and contact them via email, phone, or social media to present your services and provide answers to their SEO problems.

📌 Content Marketing:

Create useful information, such as blog entries, case studies, and whitepapers, to demonstrate your expertise and generate inbound leads via organic search and social media.

●     Pricing Strategies for SEO Services:

📌Monthly Retainers:

Provide clients with ongoing SEO services for a defined monthly charge, as well as continual support and performance reports.

📌Project Pricing:

Provide a one-time quote for certain SEO projects, such as website audits, keyword research, or content optimization, depending on the deliverables and scope of the project.

📌Performance-Based Pricing:

Charge a portion of the client’s revenue growth as compensation for successful outcomes, and tie pricing to the results attained, such as higher conversion rates, increased website traffic, or improved search rankings.

5. Scaling Your Agency and Achieving Six-Figure Revenue:

●     Hiring Additional Team Members:

📌Identify areas that require additional skill or labour, such as content production, link building, or technical SEO.

📌Invest in training and development programmes to foster people while also ensuring congruence with your agency’s aims and values.

📌Recruit qualified experts who will complement your capabilities and assist in the growth of your organization.

●     Expanding Service Offerings:

📌Diversify your service portfolio to cater to a wider range of client needs and increase revenue streams.

📌Consider offering complimentary services to provide comprehensive digital marketing solutions, such as;

  • pay-per-click (PPC) advertising,
  • social media marketing,
  • website design and


📌Stay abreast and adapt to emerging trends and technologies in the digital marketing landscape to stay ahead of competitors and meet evolving client demands.

●     Establishing Effective Workflows:

📌Simplify internal procedures and work processes to reduce operational inefficiencies and increase productivity.

📌To help team members with task management, project monitoring, and communication, use collaboration platforms and project management solutions.

📌To increase productivity and free up time for strategic projects and client-facing activities, automate repetitive chores and make use of technological solutions.

6- Overcoming Challenges and Staying Competitive:

●     Common Challenges Faced by SEO Agencies in Pakistan:

📌Intense Competition:

The SEO sector in Pakistan is fiercely competitive, with multiple companies and freelancers vying for customer attention.

📌Algorithm updates:

 Search engine algorithms are continually changing, making it difficult for SEO practitioners to stay updated and change their techniques accordingly.

📌Client Retention:

 Retaining clients in a competitive market can be difficult, especially with changing client expectations and needs.

●     Useful Tips for Maintaining Your Competitive Edge and Overcoming Challenges:

📌Differentiate Your Services:

Establish what makes your agency stand out from the competition by providing specialized services, cutting-edge solutions, or an exceptional client experience.

📌Keep Abreast of Industry Trends:

Invest in ongoing education to stay current on industry blogs, webinars, and professional networks about SEO trends, algorithm updates, and best practices.

📌Focus on Results:

 To establish credibility and trust, highlight the observable outcomes and ROI (Return on Investment) you provide for clients by putting case studies, endorsements, and success stories on display.

📌Establish Robust Connections:

Develop trusting, open, and transparent connections with your clients. Provide clients with regular progress reports, include them in decision-making, and offer proactive suggestions to meet their changing needs.

📌Offer Value-Added Services:

To provide comprehensive solutions and maximize client satisfaction, go beyond typical SEO services and include value-added services like,

  • Content marketing,
  • Website optimization,
  • Conversion rate optimization.
📌Invest in technology and tools.

Use innovative SEO tools and technology to streamline procedures, automate operations, and receive meaningful insights into campaign performance

 It will allow you to produce better results faster.

📌Focus on local SEO:

 Take advantage of the growing need for local SEO services by targeting businesses in specific geographic areas and optimizing their online presence for local search queries, directories, and maps.

📌Continuous Improvement:

Foster a culture of continuous improvement within your firm, fostering experimentation, creativity, and collaboration among team members to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in the ever-changing SEO landscape.


Creating a six-figure SEO agency in Pakistan necessitates a combination of key talents, smart strategy, and unwavering commitment. Despite hurdles such as severe competition and algorithm adjustments, the increased demand for SEO services creates numerous chances for budding companies. Seize the opportunity, stay educated, and begin your path to success in the dynamic world of SEO entrepreneurship.

SEO services

How do you sell your SEO services?

Many newcomers to digital marketing enter the SEO market and are stuck to social networks, often forgetting SEO’s potential to build a more lasting and recurring business. Hearing the noise of commissions falling is very good and gives us the strength to continue. Still, we have to think about making money now with social media and how to create a scalable business that will continue to bear fruit in the future. That is, it generates recurring sales, the famous sales while you sleep. And for that, we can apply some SEO techniques to position blogs and small websites on the first page of Google and sell every day as an affiliate.

SEO in 2022

To make money with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), do I notice that you need to have an entrepreneurial mindset and think in the long term, combined? Making money by placing blogs and websites on the first pages of Google is possible, but it’s not magic, and it’s not easy, as many people say. But with a little dedication and application of the right techniques.

And if you’ve come this far, it’s because you already know what SEO is, but in case you don’t, I’ll simplify: it’s optimizing your content so that they are easily found in search engines. So, if you are an affiliate and want to sell a product, check if there are searches for that product on Google and then work on the keyword to position on the first page. Realize that there must be searches for the product. That is, there must be demand, people interested in buying. Then, when the person types in Google: “XYZ Product,” if your article is among the first positions, the chances of the reader clicking will be greater. For example: when someone types in Google: “how to bake pot cake,” they are not necessarily interested in buying a product that teaches how to bake pot cake.

How Can I Start Making Money With SEO?

The good thing about SEO is that it opens up a huge range of possibilities. In other words, you can work as an affiliate being an authority, work as an affiliate without appearing through small websites, work with a virtual store, and sell services.

SEO for Affiliate Marketing

Like me, if you are an affiliate, you can invest in your blog’s SEO and work on several keywords related to the products you promote and position. Don’t just limit yourself to words like course X or product Y. Go beyond that and find words with purchase intent and also less competition (tools for it like Uber suggest, Ahref, and SEMrush).

SEO for small business

Imagine placing several items and selling several different products every day. With small business sites, you can. The name implies, these are small sites. They don’t need as much attention and maintenance as an authority website or blog.

SEO for Ecommerce

If you like to diversify your income, you can also invest in virtual stores, position products, and sell much more than you would sell in local stores, for example. On the internet, the reach is much greater, and you can target the content to the right people, thanks to the keywords, which increases the chances of conversion.

SEO for selling services

It can provide consultancy for self-employed or self-employed professionals and, through SEO, get more clients. Lawyers, dentists, virtual assistants, social media art design, copywriters, and video editors. If you work with service provision, you can earn more money by applying SEO techniques to position your site on Google.

The Importance of SEO in next five years

I hope now you have already understood the importance of investing in SEO, but I will emphasize a few points to stay fixed in your mind. The future of SEO is in the era of AI. Google has been working on its latest RankBrain algorithm for just more than a year. SEO professionals believe that no or any of the “tricks” they used to achieve rankings will be effective. SEO will be a good career in 2022. Generates passive income: when you place a keyword for a product in high demand, sales will automatically start. Imagine pouring money into your account while you have Sunday lunch as a family, while you sleep… A dream, isn’t it?

Tip from SEO Lahore:

 When you’re on the first page of Google, you tend to reach greater visibility. That is, more people knowing your brand, more people visiting your business, and, consequently, more sales happening.


See how it is possible to make money with SEO? The internet is amazing, and thanks to the evolution of technology, great business opportunities, and extra income have emerged. The barrier to entry is minimal, and you can create an online business with little investment and reap the rewards in the future.

future of SEO

The Future of SEO in Pakistan

Without a shadow of a doubt, a highly debated issue in SEO contests is where it points – and will point –, the compass that guides the optimization of websites. With each Google update, from small to large, we can see that it is necessary to take a fresh look at all the SEO issues. This evolution is happening so fast and fiercely that it would be no exaggeration to say that SEO no longer exists as it was once known.

Calm down. This is not a bad thing. Quite the contrary, it’s excellent!

Now, more than ever, it is the user’s turn to dictate what should be done and not tactics designed solely and exclusively for better positioning in search engines. Personally speaking, I am delighted with the way things are going. However, like the other members of SEO Master, I have always had this idea solidified in my head: the user is always the most important.

Because of this period of constant changes and doubts about the future of SEO, I will take your time to talk about the trends that, in my opinion, will guide the new way of doing SEO. Beforehand, I want to clarify that what you will read next is based on my experiences and views and, as such, is not an absolute and immutable truth. Far be it from me to think I would be capable of such a thing. Although I believe in everything I will write, it would be at least innocent of me, or any other Web Strategy, to think that it can make predictions on this subject without the risk of making mistakes.

SEO Trends

the user in charge

This is the mother of all trends. It has been said before that it no longer makes sense to use tactics just thinking about being well ranked in search engines, leaving the user aside. Increasingly, this will become more evident. The following significant updates from Google should focus primarily on the user experience, as was Panda Update. Therefore, I advise you to start building your website with the primary guideline to simplify your user’s life and develop content that strictly presents what matters to him. Please don’t waste your time and his creating unnecessary content.

It will be increasingly important to create a relationship between the user and your brand. It is essential to keep in mind that the user experience within your site has to be more critical than technical SEO issues, not that one option excludes the other. If there is an opportunity, try to make the two go hand in hand. If that’s not possible, opt for the user experience.

Duplicate content – ​​a big villain to fight

Eliminating duplicate content will be one of the most significant challenges for websites, especially e-commerce. Although nowadays, it is already imperative to index and ranks a website not to present duplicate content, this should be even more evident in the future.

Google will be better able to identify them and should be even stricter in their ratings. Therefore, I reiterate:

  1. Develop unique content for each page that strictly present what your user is looking for without flourishes.
  2. Be very careful with dynamic pages such as product filters on e-commerce pages.
  3. Don’t shy away from using canonical, 301 redirects and even more fancy robots.txt settings.

The important thing is to eliminate it.

Remember that you don’t have to have identical content to be considered duplicate by Google. Just be similar. Therefore, be very careful with the way you create pages on your website.

Keywords devaluation

This may sound crazy, but, in my opinion, keywords will lose their strength little by little. Calm down. I didn’t say that they will cease to exist, only that their importance will be minimal. It will no longer make a difference to have this or that keyword at the beginning of the title or in the h1, worrying about its placement within your pages, the rate of difficulty in working with them, etc.

I believe that the time will come when all that will matter with the text on your pages will be to have clear writing that matches what the user is looking for along the page (crucial On-page SEO elements, such as title and headings, will follow the same path).

Death to Link Building – Long lives Link Earning.

The “link building” concept will die. Automated strategies such as link farms, link exchanges, among others, have long been opposed by Google, and, after its latest updates, Google got good at identifying and punishing those who already used these types of tactics. However, despite already having this practice, I think we’ll still see something further.

Contextual links will gain even more relevance. All the links obtained in the most natural way possible, which meet the site’s logic, without exaggeration and within the context of the site’s subject, will have even more weight. On the other hand, links in banners, sponsorships, and the like should lose all their relevance.

A good link will be one that will add value to the user. Therefore, any link that is not based on the importance of delivering something that may be of direct interest to the user should be avoided.

Social Media – A New Path to SEO

Although nobody knows how much, social networks like Google +, Facebook and Pinterest already have relevance in organic search. The expectation is that its significance will still increase a lot. We can already observe that a good campaign on social networks favours the generation of links, even in other types of media, in addition to strengthening the brand, thus generating a higher conversion rate for the site.

What do you think?

These are the points that catch my eye. Do you agree with me? Do you have a different opinion, or would you like to add something? Are your sites already feeling the wind of change? Please share your experience with us!


Trends for digital marketing in 2021

The year 2021 and the next two years may not be like anything we have seen so far: the end of the corona plague may already be in sight, but there is no doubt that our habits of using the web have changed beyond recognition.

On the one hand, this is good news for technology companies and social networks that have gained even more power and ways to gather information about us, which may be helping some of the digital marketers. But, on the other hand, there is no doubt that more and more countries and regulatory bodies will try to finally put an order in this jungle to try and protect the citizens and users (of which we are ultimately a part).

So without exaggerating, here are our forecasts for the trends and trends that will continue with us into 2021

Entry of social networks into the field
Many businesses have had to make drastic changes to their online sales system and even reopen contingency plans that were supposed to take about three years or five years in just a few months.

There is no doubt that this is good news for consumers, but many businesses, especially the smaller ones, are not always prepared to do so from a logistical point of view. And if we thought that Amazon’s entry into Israel would change anything, it turns out that most local stores are still not enthusiastic about it. Instead, we are seeing collaborations and the establishment of virtual malls that incorporate within them a large number of local stores.

Less dependence on Google for websites

It is not surprising that Google’s algorithm is getting more innovative and more advanced year after year, but it turns out that this is not necessarily good news even for those who rise in the rankings… One reason is that today Google can display direct answers to questions Can lose entries. Also, more and more businesses are entering the category of local companies, and surfers are seeing them in local results which occupy significant volume from the display of organic results at the expense of businesses that have invested in marketing through their site and promoting it to the first page.

Better analysis of Data
We have already hinted that the big platforms can gather more and more information about users than ever before. For example, this year, Google has publicly released Analytics 4 . It is a more capable system that uses AI to present the user with smarter insights and predictions even when browsers (like Safari) and the users themselves limit the amount of information collected about them.

For example, the system can give you an estimate of the amounts that buyers who come from different channels (such as a mailing list) will spend and so you can focus your marketing efforts in the right places. It will also show you which channels the same users are coming from and which users have gone through many different media along the way (multi-channel marketing). Other enhancements include adding events that we previously needed external tools or integrations to use—for example, scrolling the screen or watching a video.

More advanced automation for a variety of needs
With an endless list of platforms and social networks, it is sometimes difficult to keep our activities anywhere. Generic automation systems such as Zapier can meet a significant part of our needs, but not all of them, and it is sometimes difficult to keep track of everything they do, and we feel a bit that things are getting out of hand.

Video marketing across YouTube
Until recently, we have used video advertising = YouTube advertising. So no other sites offered advertisers so many options to advertise in different and unique video formats. But the growing popularity of social networks that contribute to upload “mini-videos” such as Instagram or tic-tac-toe should make advertisers think about it again. It is especially true for advertisers who want to appeal to teens and young people whose ad has been copied from television as it simply does not speak to them. By the way, at least in tic-tac-toe and Instagram, there is quite a bit of exposure to non-sponsored videos as well, so there is no need to jump in and spend inflated budgets on video ads (although they are more prominent).

The world of marketing is changing from moment to moment, and we must also be aware of entirely new trends that may come from an unexpected place and the strengthening of tendencies that we have already seen in past years. Within marketers, there is no doubt that in 2021 we will need to make use of advanced tools to save money and mainly to cram in operations that we used to perform in a few weeks to a few days. In addition, businesses that have operated offline will have to think about how to increase their online sales volume and their presence in various online channels. But no less important, knowing how to produce the right insights and not just settle for the dry numbers.


How to Design logo and business branding

Logo design is one of the most critical steps in any branding process of a new business. It can also turn the branding of a relatively renowned business into something unique that will contribute to the business’ prominence and prominence in front of competitors.

Unfortunately, not enough small and large businesses are aware of the importance of a successful logo. Sometimes they turn to the cheapest logo designer they can find or the one who will produce the logo for them at the highest speed and already take that “weight” off their backs.

But a successful logo is not something you build one day after one sketch. Whoever has the job of designing the emblem must understand the business’s values and what sets it apart from other companies. In other words, it’s business branding. A professional logo usually goes through five, six, or even more sketches until the result.

Essential principles for creating the perfect logo

The logo must be simple: you may see a great list of logos with all sorts of visual tricks like hidden letters or a specific angle from which you can see something completely different.

In reality, no one will likely look for these tricks unless they are right in front of their eyes; alternatively, the slogan will make them explicit. So, for example, almost anyone who hears the LG slogan can show that the letters L and G connect to the face.

A logo that breaks conventions increases the brand’s memory: a logo doesn’t necessarily have to be boring. An example similar to that of LG is that of “Michelin.” When you see the smiling man made of tires, you can not go wrong and think that this is another company. However, Michelin has long been a tire manufacturer and is considered one of the most influential authorities in the world in the field of tourism books and restaurant reviews.

How are a modern internet and media logo different from a classic logo?

Today there are numerous sizes and formats of cover images, icons, and logos on the web. Although it is easier today to design a logo using graphic software in many ways, it is not always easy to transfer an existing logo to a specific format such as square, rectangle, circle, etc.

Therefore, if you are making a change to an existing logo or building a new logo, it is advisable to take these cases into account.

Take Bank Hapoalim, for example. The company’s original logo includes the red rhombus and the text “Bank Hapoalim” in gray. Still, when the company had to create a sequence of icons for Facebook and the app store, all it had to do was take the red rhombus and put it in the center.

Therefore, if you want to highlight the logo with a certain color, it should be part of the font or other illustration added to the logo. If you have no choice and it is an old logo, reversing colors is usually the best solution (and if we go back to Coca-Cola, she also had to use it occasionally, and not just for Diet Coke).

In conclusion

Creating your brand and following a suitable logo design is not a matter of “we’re done” or “you touched a trip,” and it requires doing homework if you want it to serve your brand and its values. This is especially true if you are thinking of expanding into international markets or even outsourcing to other countries. In these cases, you should check that no cultural or legal obstacle can cause you to return to the design table and lose valuable time.

google anlytic

SEO in 2021

Although SEO is a highly competitive field, it usually does not have drastic changes, but rather trends slowly gaining momentum, while older SEO methods are losing their relevance.

So what trends have we seen in recent years, and it is essential to follow them as well, and how will we continue to be successful in the SEO process this year as well?

Website security

In 2018 Google took another step to increase network security and began to more prominently mark unsecured sites, especially on pages where the user submits forms to the site. According to Google, every site should be secure and secure areas have a slight advantage in search resultsHowever, even if you assume that your site does not have one form, you probably still need to connect to the content management system.

Today a security certificate is a very accessible and available thing that most storage companies sell among their other services. There are even free security certificates that can be installed if you know how to work with the primary management panel of your storage package.

Mobile-First Index and speed

When it comes to mobile (mobile browsing), the good news is that responsive sites that are compatible with mobile are the standard today, and most sites that are not suitable for mobile are sites that were abandoned a good few years ago. The exceptions are sites with a fundamental difference between their mobile and computer content because they have two separate versions (even if on the same address). If this is the case, creating perfect synchronization between them should be the priority. The reason is that Google’s future index will only scan the mobile version and be based on it, hence its name – Mobile-First Index.


In recent years another essential move by Google has been to increase the punishment of sites that use intrusive advertisements. These can be sites where the top of the page is pushed down below the advertisements or even sites where the advertisements appear in the top layer and need to be closed (according to Google, these cases are more relevant on mobile).

Description tags (Meta Description)

While Meta Title tags are essential for promoting the site on Google, Meta Description tags are not important in terms of their words. They are mainly used to make sure the description the surfer sees below the page title is informative.

Content and trends

It used to be very common to try and identify the most worth promoting keywords and that the competition for them is not in the sky. Today, however, there is an increasing understanding that one does not necessarily have to promote a specific word. Sometimes, it pays more to incorporate similar terms within the content and let Google do 1 + 1. Anyone who still finds this strange should look at the changes that Google is making in the exact match, which is no longer accurate. All this without going into Google’s efforts to develop artificial intelligence that will understand what exactly we mean when we search

It is also important to remember that all the keyword lists we see usually do not indicate trends but averages. If you want to follow directions, you can do so through Google Trends and, of course, social networks.

Internal links and updating old content

The amount of content that goes online every day is dizzying, but that does not mean that it is impossible to take advantage of old content on the site and strengthen it. You can update existing content and link to it from the home page, and in any case, you must link to content within site. Internal links help Google understand the internal structure of the site and link to the page that is most relevant to the surfer’s search.

Schema and microdata

Schema is a technique for marking information that search engines cannot always understand naturally. If you do not yet have a schema marker on the site, you can add it through the Search Console and “Highlight the data” or directly in the code.

In conclusion:

 Google will continue to be updated and renewed in 2021. Existing and new trends and improving the quality of the search engine will continue in the same trend to bring the highest quality, fastest and safest content to its surfers. And to the trends it is also producing in 2021.